Friday, January 29, 2010

I remember...

I remember when a pimple was my biggest concern for the day...
I remember when it mattered if my hair was highlighted, dyed, straight or curly...
Now, I remember friends of mine with cancer or harsh treatments and they have no hair...I guess I can be thankful mine is clean!

I remember when I wondered if I would ever find "the right guy"...
I remember getting my heart broken and breaking others...
But, I remember the first time I saw Dave...he was laughing, and I knew...

I remember when I didn't have love handles, stretch marks or wiggly thighs...
I remember when I didn't have to change my diet to achieve the previous statement...
But, I remember being pregnant and giving birth to my children...I think I can handle a change in what I eat. :)

I remember having no financial worries or debt...
I remember spending my paycheck on clothes and makeup...
But, I remember going to school and getting my diploma, buying a house, a was worth it.

I remember making big mistakes...
I remember hurting those close to me...
I remember crying until my head ached...
But NOW I look in the mirror and see the woman I've become...
And I remember that forgiveness is something that God gives when we need it.

What do you remember?