Friday, January 29, 2010

I remember...

I remember when a pimple was my biggest concern for the day...
I remember when it mattered if my hair was highlighted, dyed, straight or curly...
Now, I remember friends of mine with cancer or harsh treatments and they have no hair...I guess I can be thankful mine is clean!

I remember when I wondered if I would ever find "the right guy"...
I remember getting my heart broken and breaking others...
But, I remember the first time I saw Dave...he was laughing, and I knew...

I remember when I didn't have love handles, stretch marks or wiggly thighs...
I remember when I didn't have to change my diet to achieve the previous statement...
But, I remember being pregnant and giving birth to my children...I think I can handle a change in what I eat. :)

I remember having no financial worries or debt...
I remember spending my paycheck on clothes and makeup...
But, I remember going to school and getting my diploma, buying a house, a was worth it.

I remember making big mistakes...
I remember hurting those close to me...
I remember crying until my head ached...
But NOW I look in the mirror and see the woman I've become...
And I remember that forgiveness is something that God gives when we need it.

What do you remember?

1 comment:

  1. Very wise...( why do I feel like grasshopper should follow that statement every single time I utter it!! HA:)
    Anyway,I love how you wrote this.
    Hmmm- what do I remember? Was that just rhetorical or should I answer it here? I will just answer:) I remember being told I was making the biggest mistake in my life marrying so young- I could see how sometimes that would be the case but it makes me panick to think what would've happened if I would have followed that advice. I have so much.
    I remember having someone say that i should not have chosen children if I knew I would struggle with post partum after or go through insecurity- I say that made me stronger and more empathetic in the end and I would do it again.
    I remember crying alot after my first two kids and thinking I would never feel youth again...however they have given me a different sort of innocence that brought a more stable maturity to my life.
    I remember thinking when would the sleepy nights and splurting of milk ever end- now I wish i could do it again.
    I remember the things you said and believe the same things you do- thanks for the reminder!
    i remember when I met you and i thought- now here is a gal I can share laughs, cinematic taste, and the love of a good song with. I remember thinking how kariokee with you would be the funnest thing ever! Now I know I was right and I also know that sometimes it does not take alot of time to make a good friend. I know that a good friend does not always mean even seeing each other weekly. I know now that there are all sorts of friends and some are made for a short time and others long. Some are made for fun, while others are serious. Sometimes it does not take agreement or a simmering of two souls to make a friendship. Sometimes it is simple, sometimes it is so simple it is profound because you can pick up a conversation and know you will be accepted. You can trust that you are always welcome. You can know that your friendship still means something and still provided growth in some way. It goes without saying that you are a cherished friend and that you are in and out of my life for so many good reasons. I just wanted to say that we may be different at times, or at different stages but we are also alike and good for each other. I enjoy our friendship!
