Saturday, December 19, 2009

"I'm growing in front of you...!"

At this time of year with all the yummy goodies, snacks, huge meals and warm drinks - doesn't it make you so happy to eat? It sure does for me! Even when I'm not hungry, there is always something to snack on...and it always tastes so good! In our society, "they" will try and tell you that you shouldn't eat, shouldn't'll gain weight! You aren't quite as attractive if you have love handles or flabby arms. Maybe thats true. Maybe "they" are right? I don't NEED to eat as often as I do, and I certainly don't NEED most of what I consume. It's a treat. But from one woman to another (or man if you are reading this) I love it! I love eating! :) ...just try and stop me...

Baby weight loss has been put on hold this holiday season and calories here I come! :)

(If you happen to see me in January, please try to downplay your reaction to my physical appearance as this New Year will also bring a new workout regime!)

(It's Christmas...let me have my fun?)

1 comment:

  1. I agree. The women who I find most attractive are curvy, have a little extra. and love themselves and the food God gave us. This is the first century that women are so thin and it is messing with hormones, health and bone density...( we are just lucky science gives us supplements!) We were never supposed to be stick thin unless it is in our gene pool( which is rare by the way.)
    I am with you 100%!!!
