Thursday, July 8, 2010

my resolution - a few months late...

I was recently talking with a friend of mine about weight, love handles and general/overall flabbiness. The joys of woman/mother hood. Isn't it great ladies? I am less concerned with an actual "goal weight" and more concerned with how I feel in the clothes I own. Right now? I don't feel awesome...time for a change. I wish I lived closer to a big city gym where I could attend aerobic and spin classes, because other people motivate me to work out. I exercise daily, but just don't really push myself. (Plus I'm not sure a good brisk walk counts for anything when you come home and proceed to eat cookies, chocolate and chips by the handful.) So I've decided to cut out certain things in my diet. Starting NOW I am fasting from pop, chips and chocolate. (my goal is to go one week at a time and keep adding weeks and see how I do.) And next week I am taking up running.
Now to those that know me best, the thought of me doing any kind of strenuous activity may seem comical...perhaps even impossible, but I am resolved! And you will all be keeping me accountable on this. (even if no one reads it, I will know that I don't want to admit failure and that will spur me forward).
Many of my friends are runners and by that I mean...marathon! I'm at a slow jog/speed walk level, so honestly this should be interesting! I plan to run in the evenings or mornings(fewer people to actually witness this roly poly body swishing this way and that) and I have a jogging buddy who has agreed to come with and help me attain this goal.
I will let you know how it goes!
Regardless of what our goals in life are, isn't it great when you reach them? Such a mixture of pride and accomplishment. Feelings of fulfillment and satisfaction...I'm so looking forward to that!
*On a side note though - what is jogging etiquette? When you work out with a friend is it appropriate to listen to music? Do you have to talk? Do you discuss how many blocks you will go? Hair up or down? Gum or no gum? Water bottles? Is it weird to dress similar? Shorts? Pants? Tank or tee?
Any help on this would be appreciated!


  1. Oh my goodness ... "jogging etiquette" ... this totally makes me laugh because I'm pretty sure that if I ever took up jogging, being the incredible klutz that I am, I would have to be less concerned with etiquette, and more concerned that I would accidentally knock my poor jogging partner into oncoming traffic or something. :)

    But I wish you well and hope you have fun jogging! I love going for my walks and find it to be the most peaceful part of my day. You just might find the emotional/mental benefits are as great as the physical ones.

  2. i'm just trying to picture you in shoes other than flip flops...... nope.. can't do it.

    etiquette.. there is none.. just sweat, do it.

    love your resolve.

  3. I am finding the same thing. It is good to have goals to be healthier. But at the same time at the end og our lives we are not going to say." If only I had lost those last 15 pounds my life would have been complete and happy. I love how you are balanced about this. It is hard to be- in the end health and confidence matter but sometimes it does not come with the exact body we would like. On that note here is the post I loved

    It was great to infuse me with dignity:)
    Love ya

  4. no jogging etiquette. I just feel successful when I actually get out there. Way to go, this post made me more anxious to exercise.

  5. Don't worry too much about jogging etiquette, definitely hair up, bring along tunes if you can, wear what's comfortable...and won't cause sparks to start flying when jogging? :-) Hee haw...(that's more for me, NOT you!) here's a plan I found awhile ago too, might help if you're both starting the jogging thing... Good luck!!!

  6. Bahaha I was going to suggest we do the couch to 5k run tomorrow. Rich and I started it last summer but I got pregnant and well you know the rest of the story...
    I'm downloading a podcast for it now and we can decide tomorrow...see you at church tomorrow!
