Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Have you ever seen your kids through someone else's eyes?

I don't mean when you're at the store and the kids are crying and you can feel the cold, judgmental stares of elderly citizens and other moms wondering why you can't keep your children under control. Haven't we all been there? Well I don't know, maybe you haven't experienced that, but let me tell you - it's no picnic!

No. I'm talking about when someone sees your kids as "kids" and simply appreciates them for that.

We went to the pool today. My kids were good- not great- but ok. They were just excited to be out of the house and doing something. Connor is really quite good in the water now. All he needs is water wings and he's good to go. So at some point we were in the "hob tub" (as he calls it) and he was throwing a ball, then swimming to get it. Once it landed near an older woman and she grabbed it and started teasing him. He swam over to her and they looked as if they were having a little conversation. He came back over to us, ball in hand and I just assumed things had gone ok.

Later on in the changeroom, this lady came up to me and was just so full of compliments about Connor.

"He's just so friendly and polite. What a great home he must have!".

At that moment it didn't matter to me that he sometimes throws things and maybe can't speak as articulately as other boys his age. I didn't even feel the need to tell the lady that he knows his shapes, colors and he can count to 16. That he memorizes songs and can tell us how to get home from wherever we are in town.

I just smiled and said "thank you" and realized that today, I will just appreciate him, for him.


  1. Conner is an incredible kid, even when he is having a rough moment or even day. Don't let people make you feel like he is anything less but extraordinary! I can't wait to see him and Sophie grow up, those two are such characters.

  2. He is so sweet. I adore him - perhaps it helps that he reminds me so much of M. It's so nice to have those moments:)
    Happy Christmas!

  3. Your right it is a great feeling and we should see our kids as kids :( man I feel really bad now. when someone tells me my kids are good I always say" my kids?" or " yeah right now" or something on those lines :( man I feel like a bad mom

  4. I can attest that Connor is, in fact, remarkable. Mom was even flabber-gasted the other day realizing that not only can he count to 16, but recognizes the numbers too! (to be fair, not all the way to 16, but 4 out of 5 we tested, certainly not bad for 2 1/2) I love him to bits, even after sharing a sleeping space with him over the past 2 weeks...
