Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas...on a Sunday?

Has this hit anyone else yet?
Christmas...on Sunday? Not everyone's "ideal Christmas morning" am I right?
For sure it's messing with "my plan" for the day. The perfect morning (in my head at least). Excited kids, coffee, waffles and presents. Family time. No rushing or schedule, just us 5 enjoying the morning. Isn't that what Christmas is about? What I want. What my kids want. What the family wants?

 Oh wait...Christmas?

 I think initially it's easy to say, "" but the more I think about it, the more I realize how much it needs to be "Him...Him...HIM!". I don't need the perfect morning, or afternoon or weekend.
I need the perfect focus on the REASON for why there is celebration.
I need Jesus. 

Do you feel that its easy to put so many other things before our Savior at Christmas?
How about you? How are you celebrating the holidays?
Whether you choose to be in your local church or stay home and enjoy the family time & tradition, may it bring you great joy! :)

 Some Christmas cheer around here.

Merry Christmas! :) 


  1. I don't know- I think staying home and enjoying the family God gave me and making sure to worship and give gratitude is just as holy as sitting in church with others. It's easier to have real communion with those we know deeply. I find cozy at home is celebrating. Seeing their joy is giving God glory. He wants us to celebrate! He gave us these emotions! He wants us to take joy in giving and receiving...because his gift was ultimate.
    The first Christmas they stayed in and shared with whomever stopped by but I am sure Mary just enjoyed her precious gift the first few christmases ( His birthday- whenever that was:). Church tradition did not start for christmas until after the 4th century...So I think you are in great company however you do it.
    Just do things out of joy not duty. God wants full hearted joy- if sitting in a church that morning fulfills you and you love the building and faces and feel inspired- Definitely do it! But if staying at home lifts you up to the heavens with it's enjoyment don't feel guilty doing it either.

    I admire your thoughts. It made me think on what I choose too. God questions! Really, I guess my answer was not helpful as I am saying it depends on the person but anyway those are my thoughts! I think it's great that you blessed people either way. My grandma would hate christmas without church! I am probably the opposite ( ha ha) A bunch of socially awkward conversations and fighting to get the kids to get dressed and sit is not my idea of contemplation, joy and gratitude...But I am not so much a hugely social person! My grandma is and for her that's christmas!
    I hope you find the perfect mix for you.

    Miss you tonight. Hope we can see you soon!
    Love you
    Merry Christmas!

  2. *Hope if you were to re-read you would find no judgement or guilt trip here. Definitely was not my intention.*
    I guess the point I wanted to make, was that initially I thought of Christmas on a Sunday as an inconvenience, but then had to re-work it in my mind. We all worship/celebrate in different ways(one is not greater than the other) and I was just trying to encourage everyone to enjoy whatever their plans are for the holiday, while keeping in mind the whole reason for the celebration. :)

    Merry Christmas Kmarie! I know you guys will have an amazing time together! Enjoy all the wonderful moments!

  3. Oh I wasn't bothered at all... Tough to tell on the net. Re reading I realize I sounded harsh or contrary but I wasn't meaning that at all;)
    I loved your points and I love that u blessed everyone whatever ways they do it!
    Great thoughts! I hope you figure out what works for you!!!

  4. P.s. My hubby says that facts sometimes sound cold... Which is too bad cuz I love facts!

  5. Love the cookie making pictures! Your kiddos are so cute!
    I had actually been thinking that it would be fun to go to church on Christmas...not really growing up in the church, I have never been. But, turns out our church isn't having a service which is okay too, we love being together at home. I love your point though that to make what ever we do about Jesus. So true.

  6. A beautiful family, that is a fact. Hope that your Christmas was what you desired it to be. Great focus! All things can be enjoyable, but with Christ they may be enjoyed in their entirety?
