Sunday, April 18, 2010


I wasn't able to nurse my first baby, so the fact that Sophie breastfed was amazing! However, I really didn't like it and although the pain stopped a very long time ago, I just never enjoyed nursing...or so i thought.
For me it was always the plan that I would wean at 6 months because the baby starts solid food then.(and also because I did not enjoy it) I've had to supplement and give Sophie a bottle a few times so I could go out for a date, a shopping day with friends, or something else. I wanted her to be able to take a bottle and she does quite well. The last two days, I have been away from her for almost 8 hours a day because of my involvement in a wedding. This morning she didn't really want me at all and I couldn't believe how sad I felt. I know it isn't "rejection" in the sense that she doesn't want me, but she enjoys the easy flow of the bottle. Still. My little baby is already making choices for herself and my maternal instinct kicks in as if to say "But what I have is so much better for you!". It's starts early doesn't it? This overwhelming need to take control of our children's lives? I did not expect such a reaction from me and it made begin to ponder all things parental.
When I was growing up, the rules and boundaries my parents set up for me were to protect me and always in my best interest. But let's be honest, I think all kids know how to break those rules and deviate from the plan. Now as a parent, I often get caught thinking that this won't ever happen to me...I know all the tricks in the book right? ha ha...each generation comes with a whole new set of deceitfulness and "ways out" if you will.
So how do you fight it? Do you set forth a Godly example and explain why rules are there, and choose to trust your children's judgment? Do you put a GPS in their car someday or listen in on their phone conversations? Check their email? Look through drawers and closets in their room? Call their teachers ate school to get updates on their status?
I don't know...I think kids need to think they are getting away with something, but they also need to be caught if you want them to learn.
This is quite a tangent to go on due to the fact that my 5 month old is weaning herself, but I think the two are linked somehow.

1 comment:

  1. wow Jess.. i can't imagine being a parent. But can I tell you, reading this.. that I know that you are are, and are going to continue being a great mom. You are introspective, you are searching out your own motivations, you are seeking to be the best mom you can be. You will make mistakes, you will fail sometimes.. it will hurt. But you have Christ in you, and His spirit in you to help you.

    Blogging/journalling things like this I think will really help you. You made me smile today.. with joy and pride - joy for you and your two wee ones, that they have such a great mom that really wants to do and be the best.. and pride to know you. xoxoxo
