Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Not wrong - just different

He likes Colgate.
I like Crest.

He likes onions, mushrooms and spicy food.
I like grilled cheese.

He likes winter...actually LIKES it!
I do not.

He can be irritating and insensitive.
I combat this with nagging and arguments.

He can get away with wearing stripes.
Me? Not so much.

He's always ready with hugs.
I'm better with words.

He's handy and clever.
I'm a sarcastic disaster.

When times get tough, het gets quiet.
Meanwhile, I can't stop talking

But it works.
Him and me. We work.
Why? Because we CHOOSE to. Today I chose to love...I don't always feel like it, it doesn't always come easy, but it's my choice. From now until there is no now, I will love - overcoming our gender and personal differences...love will be our home!

1 comment:

  1. That is the sweetest choice to make. I love it. I love the picture of Sophie below too- she is looking so grown up! See you tomorrow!
